12-28-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Every Other Tuesday with @GottaLaff, Eh?
Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!) Our pal Laffy got some big news this week. After almost three years of working toward this, she and her family just got approved to move to Canada. She'll explain, and we'll attempt to have a bit of fun on this, our last Tuesday of another really shitty year! And, I guest hosted the BradCast today for Brad Friedman... CLICK HERE TO LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD TODAY'S SHOW!... https://youtu.be/q51CcIJoL98
I’m Moving to Canada. Part Two: How?
Photo credit: @Alamy So many of you have asked such good questions about our move that I felt compelled to untangle everything I could for you. In Part One of this two-parter, I explained why we made the life-changing decision to become permanent residents of Canada. In this post, I'll do my best to explain how we went about it, what it takes, and try to provide more answers to your questions. I'll be going into painstaking detail, because my challenges may help you figure out solutions to yours. Keep in mind, though, that every situation is different. [...]
I’m Moving to Canada. Part One: Why?
Port Moody, British Columbia When George W. Bush frauded his way into the White House, I cried for two days. My twins watched me, and they didn't understand why. I tried to explain to them why I was sad. Little did I know that my worst fears about a Bush presidency would be realized, and then some. When Donald Trump duped 62,984,828 Americans into voting for him-- 2,868,686 fewer votes than Hillary Clinton got-- and somehow became the *shudder* President of the United States, I cried for two weeks straight. This time I knew what was coming. [...]
12-7-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Every Other Tuesday with @GottaLaff
Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!) It's one of the Tuesdays in the month when GottaLaff is here! Laffy's been working on moving to Canada. In her spare time, she peruses the Twitters for breaking news and clever comments, and brings us her Tweet Spot. Plus, we'll bid farewell to a few familiar faces: Brian Williams, Chris Cuomo, Angela Merkel and Devin Nunes! Maybe we'll come up with a list of others who we'd like to see join them... I also mentioned a certain article at The Atlantic [...]
11-23-21 The Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesday with @GottaLaff & @Brandi_Buchman Too
Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!) It's Tuesday, and Laffy's here today. Plus our favorite court watcher will join in too. Brandi Buchman covered every trial going on for Courthouse News until a few weeks ago. Thankfully, she's back on the beat, this time for Daily Kos. She'll check in with us for the second half hour of the show. It's Thanksgiving Week, an important anniversary for me, the Charlottesville jury is in, and we have tons to talk about today. So join us for our pre-turkey day gratitude [...]
10-19-21 Nicole Sandler Show – @GottaLaff’s Back From Canada, Eh?
Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!) GottaLaff has been in Canada for a few weeks, scouting for her family's eventual move to the Great White North... We'll get the scoop on what it takes to move from the US to Canada, and also take a peek into her Twitter stream to see what's happening in the news. https://youtu.be/Y8Qi-eKxqLw
9-21-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesday with a Canada-bound @GottaLaff (3 more days!)
Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!) GottaLaff is with us today, but it's her last Tuesday for a while as she and Mr. Laffy are heading up to the Great White North to scout for a place to escape from Gilead, er, America for... But before she leaves us, we have some Tweets to share and snark to spew. But before we got started, I played a couple of song parodies from one of my favorite parody producers. They go by the name of Man. Woman. Camera. And [...]
9-7-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Every Other Tuesday with @GottaLaff
Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!) GottaLaff is back today, and boy does she have some newsworthy Tweets to share. With the week we lived through last week, anything is bound to be an improvement. Hopefully we'll cover the news, but add enough snark and have some fun to make it less painful. Since I was late starting the YouTube stream, here's Twitter's stream of today's show for those who like to watch 9-7-21 Nicole Sandler Show - Every Other Tuesday with GottaLaff https://t.co/lUooBbE1I8 — Nicole Sandler (@nicolesandler) September [...]
8-3-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Every Other Tuesday with @GottaLaff
Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!) GottaLaff has been hanging with us on Tuesdays for probably a decade already or longer. Lately, she's had issues with pain in her hands, so we cut back to every other week. Well, today is one of those days. And what a day it is! NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is in the #MeToo spotlight today as the NY AG released her office's report on the investigation into sexual harassment by the governor. And it's ugly. We'll certainly talk about other issues too, [...]
7-20-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesday with @GottaLaff
Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!) GottaLaff's back with us every other Tuesday, for now. This is her week, and we've got lots to talk about, including the billionaires big dick contest. https://youtu.be/1tWi-7dvPj4