That picture is just one of many screens you’ll see at It all started yesterday morning when our pal John Fugelsang asked Mitt Romney’s communications director a question on Soledad O’Brien’s morning show on CNN:

My buddy John Fugelsang, who happens to be a brand new dad (see below) took time out between a return appearance on CNN- he’s there all next week too, and filming a role in a movie, to chat with us about all that’s happened recently, including the arrival of  Henry Jack Fugelsang…

The show started with an update from Truthout‘s Jason Leopold about the treasure trove of documents that landed in his inbox yesterday, courtesty of the DHS response to his FOIA requests for Occupy Wall Street-related material.  Although there’s more coming next month, and contrary to what he had read at the time we spoke yesterday, this batch did confirm that DHS had been keeping tabs on the OWS encampments and activities all along!  Read the files for yourself right here, and stay tuned….

We also checked in with the Village Voice’s Steven Thrasher, who has the cover story this week with a sickening “The Non Profit 1%”.  Definitely worth a read, then a trip to the porcelain throne to puke.  Steven also wrote and told us about last night’s Million Hoodies March in support of justice for Trayvon Martin.

And finally, we closed out the show with a fun conversation with comedian Paul Provenza – the guy behind the filthiest, funniest movie ever, The Aristocrats, and one of the best comedy TV shows ever- The Green Room.  He’s in DC to take part in this weekend’s Reason Rally, billed as the largest gathering of the secular movement in world history!  Enough to make right wingers heads explode!