upchucks cat

Please welcome back regular guest contributor, author of Being Christian – a racy novel that explores the dark underbelly of the right-wing Christian world – and the go-to blogger on shocking religion news, hypocrisy, and all things church v. state (weekly upchucks), KC Boyd.

You can link over to the official KC Boyd site here for the rest of this post. It’s well worth a look, because I left out a ton of great upchuckable stuff, including antidotes! These are but a few of her weekly “where religion meets your rights” collection:

Your Weekly Upchucks: The place where religion meets your rights

– by KC Boyd

Abortion, Contraception And Other Women’s Issues

  • #MiscarriageAsCrime “Years of investment in rightwing think tanks in Indiana is bearing fruit. It is manifested in legislation that criminalizes abortion and allows religion to be used as an excuse for discrimination in stores, restaurants, and other commercial services.”
  • #HydeFromIgnorance ‘Reach’ of Anti-Choice Hyde Amendment May Get Wider
  • #AFingerInTheDike 235 Anti-Choice Bills Proposed in State Legislatures Since January
  • #HerosThe crusade against abortion is backing OB-GYNs into a corner and some are leaving the field to devote themselves to abortion



Fifty Shades Of Hate

Fifty Shades Of Propaganda And Other Such Lying Hypocrisy

If Media’s The Message

Israel, End Times And John Hagee

  • #GrandOleChristocracy The fear of public disagreement with an Israeli government isn’t just the product of lobbying by groups that claim to represent American Jews. The theocrats’ takeover of the Republican Party is at least as significant.

Lies, Hypocrisy and Other such Propaganda

Politics Nation

Religion Gone Bad, Gone Mad

Same Sex Issues

Sausage Makers And Their Sausage


Supremes And Lower Courts

  • #BroughtToYouByIndiana Indiana Convicts Its First Pregnant Person of ‘Feticide’
  • #DeWhine Ohio attorney general: Gays already have too much power — that’s why they can’t get married
  • #SlinkingOff After Being Stripped Of A Committee Assignment, Klingenschmitt Suspends His ‘Pray In Jesus Name’ Show

Theocracy Rising