That was the question of the day, and the results of our very unscientific poll were of the landslide variety. All but one of our callers said they were “Bernie or Bust” and most explained quite eloquently why. Only one caller said that, if it’s a choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on the ballot, she’ll vote HRC because she’s “scared of Trump.”
Be afraid, be very afraid. It’s working!
In addition to today’s calls, I shared a few very important videos, posted below, that you should share.
First… the DNC tells CNN to STOP INCLUDING SUPER DELEGATES in their delegate tallies!
Next, Bernie Sanders is still in this race to win it!
And Keith Olbermann, in a 2008 Special Comment, reminded us why we voted against Hillary Clinton eight years ago!
Tomorrow night is the annual Nerd Prom, or White House Correspondents Dinner. This year, Larry Wilmore will do the roasting of the president and the gathered elite. When thinking back on year’s past, two moments come to mind.
This was possibly the moment Donald Trump decided to run for president, from 2011
And the all-time best, from 2006. The crowd didn’t get it, but Colbert was at his brilliant best!
Have a great weekend. See you Monday, radio or not!
Greetings Nicole. Like your first caller, I’m in California and I guess i have greater flexibility than other. Like most of your callers, I’m Bernie or Bust. While Drumpf and Cruz worry me, I cannot support Clinton either. Come November, no matter who the repiglicans nominate – I can’t vote for her. Like you, I have major issues with the Green Party – from Jeremy Scahill’s book on whatusedtobecalled Blackwater, that the prince and devoss families like giving money to the Greens in order to draw support away from the Democratic nominee. I cannot vote for Jill Stein. Therefore, I will leave the space for president blank and vote on some of the down ticket races. I’m trying to decide if I can rally vote to get our AG, Kamala Harris into the senate.
Have a good weekend
(Need a new default avatar. Laffy has to be feeling a bit insulted.
He should stay in the race until the convention, and help shape the platform.
That’s what he’s said he’ll do. I dunno, we’ll see what people are saying after the conventions, I suspect Randi Rhodes, while busty, will not be a buster.
She knows Trump, better, or worse, than most.