Yes, on tonight’s show, I’ll share some of the highlights of Netroots Nation, which wrapped up yesterday in Las Vegas. I made it through with little injury, despite my best efforts.
I thoroughly embarrassed myself in front of Amy Goodman, Brad Friedman, Jason Leopold, Shannyn Moore, Jeanne Devon, and a whole host of others… but some of them embarrassed themselves too!
I was fortunate enough to do the show from the exhibit hall on Thursday (just scroll down to listen to the show with Amy Goodman, Brad Friedman, Shannyn Moore, Jeanne Devon, Markos Moulitsas, the executive directors of both Democracy for America and Netroots Nation, Senatorial candidates Scott McAdams from Alaska and Rodney Glassman, and a bunch of others I can’t remember off the top of my head!
Over the course of the rest of the conference, I was able to tape interviews with Lt. Dan Choi, Congressman Alan Grayson, LGBT activist Gloria Nieto, DFA chairman Jim Dean,’s Tim Karr, and Congressional candidate Tarryl Clark (running against Michele Bachmann). I’ll share those interviews with you over the course of this week…
We’ll start with Dan Choi tonight. I spoke with him Saturday afternoon, not too long after Daily Kos’ Joan McCarter (McJoan) gave Choi’s West Point ring to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid… a moment you can watch here:
Also on tonight’s show, I’ll speak with Derrick Crowe of Brave New Foundation about the latest from wikileaks, and Crooks & Liars’ Nicole Belle is back for our regular Monday discussion of what happened on the Sunday talking head shows.
[…] is where the linkage comes in: Jeanne attended Netroots 2010 with Brad Friedman, who is also a contributor to her Mudflats site. Brad’s blog is linked on Heather’s blogroll. […]
[…] is where the linkage comes in: Jeanne attended Netroots 2010 with Brad Friedman, who is also a contributor to her Mudflats site. Brad’s blog is linked on Heather’s blogroll. […]
[…] “My Secret Twin.” Both are tied to “grassroots” progressive organizations. Jeanne attended Netroots 2010 with Brad Friedman, who is also a contributor to her Mudflats site. Brad’s blog is linked on Heather’s […]