Greetings from the land of hanging chads and stand your ground insanity. It’s also a state where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans 4,587,502 to 4,128,098, yet the GOP controls both chambers of the legislature and all cabinet positions. Maybe it’s the heat combined with the humidity that make people vote against their own best interests time after time.
Regardless of the reasons, Florida has a chance to rid ourselves of some of the DUH that’s infected our land. But to do that, Floridians have to vote in the August 26 primary, and vote for the only progressive Democrat in the race.
If you listen to the Florida Democratic party or the media – local or national – you’d believe that the Florida gubernatorial race was between the incumbent criminal Governor Rick Scott and former Republican Governor Charlie Crist, without ever having been informed that there is even a primary, let alone the fact that Nan Rich, the former leader of the Florida Senate Democrats and a real progressive, is in the race!
I’ve had the honor of interviewing Nan Rich before, and was thrilled that she put aside some time to speak with us again this morning. I hope everyone in Florida gets to hear her and realize that we have a chance to take the DUH out of FloriDUH once and for all!
As we do every Monday morning, we started the week with Howie Klein of Down With Tyranny and the Blue America PAC for our “Steve Israel Hour, sponsored by Little Debbie,” our weekly satirical salute to the idiots running the national Democratic Party.
A programming note: I’ll be heading west on Thursday evening, flying out to Los Angeles to cover and broadcast live from the American Federation of Teachers convention on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I’ll do the show from LA on Tuesday morning (perhaps Monday too, we’re still working on that!). And then on Wednesday, I fly to Detroit to broadcast live from Netroots Nation on Thursday and Friday, July 17 . Stay tuned for more details!
We’re back tomorrow, hopefully with fewer technical issues (the new computer is on its way!), and GottaLaff and Claire Conner too! See you then, radio or not!