How I Spent My Summer Vacation (Part 2)

  I'm home after 10 days on the road to cover the American Federation of Teachers convention in Los Angeles and Netroots Nation '14 in Detroit. It was actually anything but a vacation, but I do thrive on the action, and there was plenty of that. To recap the trip, all you need do is listen to the shows from the past week or so. (Find them here, here, here, here and my interview with the amazing Rev. Dr. William Barber is posted as a standalone interview here) Now that I'm back home, I have the luxury of sitting back [...]

Running… or Not

Election Day is nine months away, but we have some big election news, centering on a few non-traditional candidates who have decided to run for public office. Rumored for a while now, this morning Clay Aiken (yes, that Clay Aiken), made it official. He's running for Congress from North Carolina. His candidacy was officially announced via this video Although my initial reaction upon hearing the rumors was disdain, I'm truly impressed with this video and think I may have jumped too quickly to a negative conclusion. Stay tuned. This week, we'd been hearing the rumblings of a possible congressional run [...]

Rush Swims in the Shit He Spews

  Most of us already knew Rush Limbaugh was despicable.  Just listen to a montage of some of his greatest worst stupid statements here.... Now it's common knowledge that in addition to being stupid, the man is just an asshole blowhard (I know that paints a really disgusting image, but so does Limbaugh!) The blowhard asshole issued a press release that pretended to be an apology this weekend, after five advertisers pulled their ads from his show.  It read as follows: "For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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