It’s Money that Matters

Today on the show, we talked about money.  Well, the real topics were campaign finance reform and the Oscars... but it all boils down to dollars and cents. The Supreme Court is set to hear another case involving campaign contributions.  McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission is being called Citizens United 2.0, as the GOP wants to lift the limits on the aggregate amount of money an individual can contribute directly to candidates and to their party.  I spoke about it and the progress made to undo the Citizens United damage with a constitutional amendment with Move To Amend's David Cobb. Note [...]

Guns & Roses (or How Oscar Pistorius celebrated Valentines Day)

  Perhaps you know Pistorius  better like this: Either way, the Olympian was charged last night with the murder of his model/law school graduate/entrepreneur girlfriend.  Hint: This is not a good way to celebrate Valentines Day. In other gun news, Wayne LaPierre is spouting off again, this time with a fiery op-ed at The Daily Caller called Stand and Fight.   It's alarmist, racist, xenophobid and more, all rolled into one... Today on the show, we talked about all that, including my dramatic reading of some of LaPierre's frighting creed. We also discussed the future of the planet..  Yesterday,  48 environmental [...]

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