I’ve got the SCOTUS nomination blues

Oh Obama, we had such high hopes for you! On April 20, Christina Bellantoni of Talking Points Memo wrote: In comments that are at odds with the conventional wisdom about what Obama needs to do to make sure the Senate confirms his nominee to replace John Paul Stevens, a White House official involved in the confirmation process tells TPMDC that the President isn't taking a cautious approach to selecting a nominee. Despite having one less Democrat in the Senate than when Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed last year, the administration isn't limiting itself to reviewing only centrist candidates for the court [...]

By |May 10th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on I’ve got the SCOTUS nomination blues

Net Neutrality, Kendrick Meek and BP

Those were the topics we covered on tonight's show. We started with the sad news that the Obama administration is, once again, letting us down. During the campaign and throughout the first year of the Obama presidency, Net Neutrality was the signature communications/technology issue. When an appeals court last month said that the FCC didn't have jurisdiction over broadband, the response was swift and certain that they'd take care of that. Now, not so much! The Washington Post reported that Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski is “leaning toward” a decision not to “reclassify” broadband to re-establish FCC authority over [...]

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