1-26-2022 CyNicole Sandler Show – Liberty Lost and Injustice for All?

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!) It's CyNicole Sandler, back with you. Yes, the events of the past few years has brought out the cynic in me again, so the prefix appears on my first name again. At every turn today, my cynicism kicked in. From what's going on within the Democratic Party in Nevada to Senate Republicans dirty tricks they used to steal three Supreme Court seats, my cynical inner companion has been screaming all day. Today we learned that Justice Stephen Breyer finally announced he'd retire, but [...]

By |January 26th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 1-26-2022 CyNicole Sandler Show – Liberty Lost and Injustice for All?

3-9-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Busting the Filibuster with Norm Ornstein and NV Dems Go Progressive

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   It's another Tuesday without GottaLaff who's still dealing with terrible tendinitis, which is keeping her off the air. But we do have a jam packed show today in her absence. First up, it was a clean sweep of progressives taking over the Nevada Democratic Party. The Intercept's Ryan Grim, who broke the story, joins in at the top of the show to tell us what happened. Then I'm happy to welcome Norm Ornstein to the show. Last week I shared with you [...]

By |March 9th, 2021|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 3-9-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Busting the Filibuster with Norm Ornstein and NV Dems Go Progressive

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