Koch Suckers

Those self-serving, right wing fanatical Ayn Randian Koch brothers are at it again.  Earlier this week, we learned that they had used their money to buy influence at Florida State University that would give them the authority to reject potential professors from being hired, to recommend their own, and to have a say in the curriculum as well.  As Think Progress reported, The Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation entered into an agreement with Florida State University in 2008 in which the foundation would provide millions of dollars in funds for the school’s economics department.The funds were marked to add multiple [...]

Connecting with a Pakistani

You might remember during the Egyptian revolution, I called and spoke to a number of regular Egyptians - from hotel clerks, to Marwa Rakha, a woman who dispenses relationship advice online (and just gave birth to her son, Adam. on May 3 - a great day to have a kid.  It happens to be both my daughter's and my mother's birthday too!). Today, I reached out to Kaswar Klasra, a young man born and raised in Pakistan, he works as a journalist for The Nation (Pakistan).  Although it's difficult at times to understand what he's saying due to his accent, [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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