No Global Warming, My Ass

This morning I was pleased to speak with someone who minces no words when it comes to Global Warming. Max Boykoff is an assistant professor at the University of Colorado in Boulder, and just wrote the book, Who Speaks for the Climate?: Making Sense of Media Reporting on Climate Change. He also recently wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post, "A Dangerous Shift in Obama's 'Climate Change' Rhetoric" In the first hour, I chatted about Romney's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day yesterday with the awesome Cliff Schecter... Before the show ended, I got a call asking if I [...]

By |February 8th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on No Global Warming, My Ass

Citizens Inundated, Prop 8 Ruling and @GottaLaff too

Today's show will cover a lot of territory... We'll speak with's Tim Karr... A lot of listeners have asked about ACTA and its supposed role as the more evil step-sister of SOPA/PIPA.  So, I asked Tim to join us to tell us about it, as he's my arbiter of all things internet.  He'll give us what little he knows about it, as ACTA is NOT US legislation... The NY Times had a good piece on ACTA on Sunday, "A New Question of Internet Freedom". What Tim has been working on lately is a study on the effects of the [...]

By |February 7th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Citizens Inundated, Prop 8 Ruling and @GottaLaff too

On Progressives Candidates, Komen and Chatting Made Easier

I've been busy getting our new chatroom up and running...  If you registered today here on the website, you might have to re-register tomorrow using the chat registration.  But after that, we're done! In the first hour of the show, I was joined by Howie Klein of Down With Tyranny and the Blue America PAC, talking about the need to elect real progressives to office, and a few of them who are worthy of your votes and donations! In hour two - as we do every Monday - I was joined by Nicole Belle of Crooks and Liars for our [...]

By |February 6th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on On Progressives Candidates, Komen and Chatting Made Easier

End Prohibition!

I've long believed that the so-called War on Drugs does much more harm than good. The good folks at Drug Policy Central have come up with a War on Drugs Clock. The amounts reset on January 1 of each year.  The numbers below are are cumulative from the first of the year only! //   Arrests for drug law violations this year are expected to exceed the 1,663,582 arrests of 2009. Law enforcement made more arrests for drug abuse violations (an estimated 1.6 million arrests, or 13.0 percent of the total number of arrests) than for any other offense in [...]

By |February 1st, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on End Prohibition!

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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