6-7-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Teach Truth with Jesse Hagopian
https://media.zencastr.com/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/f92a2c37-637c-4073-b004-cccd65b22eaa.mp3 I first met Jesse Hagopian a few months ago, after I discovered the existence of the Zinn Education Project. I invited him on the show to talk about his work as an educator and activist for truth in education. Unfortunately, such activists are necessary in today's world, as elected officials like the fascist Florida Man DeSantis are pushing to whitewash history, literally. When Jesse joined us back in March, he mentioned an event called the Teach Truth Day of Action coming up on June 10, which I dutifully put in my calendar. When I noticed that [...]