I first met Jesse Hagopian a few months ago, after I discovered the existence of the Zinn Education Project. I invited him on the show to talk about his work as an educator and activist for truth in education. Unfortunately, such activists are necessary in today’s world, as elected officials like the fascist Florida Man DeSantis are pushing to whitewash history, literally.

When Jesse joined us back in March, he mentioned an event called the Teach Truth Day of Action coming up on June 10, which I dutifully put in my calendar.

When I noticed that day would arrive on Saturday, I invited Jesse back on the show for another conversation about the dumbing down of America and the need to teach our children the truth!

So, Jesse Hagopian returns today to talk about how the attacks on our public education system have only intensified since we last spoke, and to remind us how to get involved in the Teach Truth Day of Action on Saturday. Hint: Visit TeachTruthPledge.org. That will take you to the details page for the day.

Or you can go to the Zinn Education Project where the day of action originated.

What are you waiting for? Go, now!


I started the show by saying that if I could, I would have opened the show with Dolly Parton’s new single, “World On Fire.” Unfortunately, if I played it on my show, YouTube would copyright violate me, and I’ve already been suspended from streaming too many times… So, I’ll just post it here and dedicate it to our planet, with a big shout out to the millions who are breathing in the smoke from the Canadian fires. This is our new existence. Take it away Dolly!