You Say Cheney, I Say Warmonger

I love that Chris Matthews is the expert on the pronunciation of Darth Cheney's name.  I have my own take on it that you'll have to hear for yourself. No, I didn't have an "exclusive" interview with Dick Cheney as every TV news show claimed to. Instead, I spoke with Adam Christing, the ironically named producer/writer of the new film, A Mormon President: Joseph Smith and the Mormon Quest for the White House. I also checked in with Bill McKibben, who's still outside the White House protesting the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Unfortunately, the State Department just released its Final [...]

By |August 31st, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on You Say Cheney, I Say Warmonger

Bachmann and Huntsman and Cain, Oh My!

I know the common way of thinking today is that with this slate of GOP presidential hopefuls, Obama will win a second term quite handily.  Unfortunately, President Obama seems to be doing too much to make that likelihood a much longer shot than it should be.  The man who so many of us voted for in the hope that he'd be our generation's FDR has instead decided to try to be everybody's BFF.  And it's not working! Yesterday, Michele Bachmann officially announced her bid for the presidency.  Even though she claimed to embrace all four legs of a [...]

By |June 28th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Bachmann and Huntsman and Cain, Oh My!

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