2-2-18 Nicole Sandler Show – The Memo’s Out and What LBJ Would Do with Jack Rice and Joshua Zeitz

The House Intelligence Committee today released the long-threatened memo that turned out to be not much of anything. At the top of the show, I spoke with former CIA agent Jack Rice about the dangers of releasing classified information, and the memo. I shared some of Jennifer Rubin's Washington Post column about the memo on the show. You can read the whole thing here. Then we turned to history with Joshua Zeitz, author of the new book, Building the Great Society Inside Lyndon Johnson's White House. 

By |February 2nd, 2018|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-2-18 Nicole Sandler Show – The Memo’s Out and What LBJ Would Do with Jack Rice and Joshua Zeitz

1-11-18 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursdays with Howie Klein and Marcy Wheeler on FISA Too

With Trump mis-tweeting on today's FISA vote, I reached out to Emptywheel's Marcy Wheeler to get the full explanation on FISA and what was voted on today. Then, Howie Klein of Down with Tyranny  and the Blue America PAC, just back from vacation, joined in for his first Thursday appearance on the show of the new year.

By |January 11th, 2018|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 1-11-18 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursdays with Howie Klein and Marcy Wheeler on FISA Too

6-7-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Checking in with UK Progressive

  After my opening comments about today's Senate hearings and other news (Eric Trump thinks we Dems are "not even human"), we checked in with Denis Campbell, aka @UKProgressive, to discuss tomorrow's special election in Britain, the recent terror attacks and their aftermath, and our relationship in the D'ump era.

By |June 7th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 6-7-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Checking in with UK Progressive

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