The ugly Bush stain: “It’s not too soon to judge. It’s far, far too late.”

Please stop what you're doing for a minute and read  "It's not too soon to judge George W. Bush's presidency on key issues," an L.A. Times Op-Ed from Feb. 5. See that vile little reminder above? That "Ugly Bush Stain" image is one I've used repeatedly over the past few years, and its impact is reflected in today's Los Angeles Times letter to the editor... because our voices matter: It's about time that someone published what many Americans thought at the time and continue to think today: Bush was a disaster. His legacy will be a stain upon the United States for generations to [...]

John Boehner’s Lies

Last night we watched as President Obama tried to explain to the American people (who mostly don’t pay attention) what’s going on with the “debt crisis” – which you and I know is a fake crisis as the real crisis is the lack of jobs.  While Obama was busy playing middle of the road politics and making nice with Speaker Boehner (and echoing the right wing talking points about our “out of control spending”  as the cause for this “crisis” and the “both parties are to blame” line), Boehner went on the attack blaming it all on President Obama and [...]

By |July 26th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on John Boehner’s Lies

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