For Profit Health Insurance is Government Sanctioned Extortion

I've said it many times before, and repeated that assertion on my show this morning. I got a bill in the mail yesterday from a collection agency.  Not from the imaging clinic where I had a thyroid ultrasound done in May, but from a collection agency. Honestly, when I got the bill for $504.60, I couldn't imagine what it was for. It certainly couldn't be for  that simple ultrasound that took all of 10 minutes with a lab technician who was able to show me on the machine that my thyroid had completely atrophied. But when I went online to [...]

By |September 15th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on For Profit Health Insurance is Government Sanctioned Extortion

GOP Deathers to the Rest of Us: Whoopee You’re All Gonna Die!

Ahh yes, the GOP has a new name in my book.  Just call them The Deathers.  They applaud Rick Perry for executing 234 prisoners, while he doesn't worry that any of them might have been innocent. (Hint: yes, at least one was!)   The Deathers have a new anthem.. feel free to spread it around! And in case you need a reminder that Alan Grayson was correct when he told us about the Republican Health Care Plan... just listen to him, juxtaposed with the GOP's "Let Him Die" attidude. Of course, this is nothing new. Thanks to GottaLaff, [...]

By |September 14th, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on GOP Deathers to the Rest of Us: Whoopee You’re All Gonna Die!

Wars, Lies, and Videotape

***Update added -- scroll down*** The only thing missing was the sex.  We learned a few things this week: War is NOT the way to combat terrorism. You can take out a terrorist with trained soldiers, and don't have to drop a single bomb in innocent civilians. The so-called Tea Party believes that only they are entitled to speak freely; the rest of us are only allowed to agree with them, or remain silent. Ft. Lauderdale Police and Broward County Sheriff's deputies LIE incessantly The idea of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty is a myth in the United [...]

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