I’m back from Vacation and Howie Klein’s Here Too – Nicole Sandler Show 2-15-24

     I spent the last week enjoying my daughter's first visit to Arizona and honestly did my best to steer clear of the news as much as possible. She left last night and I've been catching up. Oh my, the shit really has hit the fan all week, and today is no exception. As I'm writing this and setting up today's show, Fani Willis is on the stand in Fulton County, GA in a suit brought by Trump allies attempting to have her removed from the case due to her alleged misconduct with a prosecutor she hired for [...]

By |February 15th, 2024|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on I’m back from Vacation and Howie Klein’s Here Too – Nicole Sandler Show 2-15-24

GOP Deathers to the Rest of Us: Whoopee You’re All Gonna Die!

Ahh yes, the GOP has a new name in my book.  Just call them The Deathers.  They applaud Rick Perry for executing 234 prisoners, while he doesn't worry that any of them might have been innocent. (Hint: yes, at least one was!)   The Deathers have a new anthem.. feel free to spread it around! And in case you need a reminder that Alan Grayson was correct when he told us about the Republican Health Care Plan... just listen to him, juxtaposed with the GOP's "Let Him Die" attidude. Of course, this is nothing new. Thanks to GottaLaff, [...]

By |September 14th, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on GOP Deathers to the Rest of Us: Whoopee You’re All Gonna Die!

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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