5-24-16 Nicole Sandler Show – What Happens In Vegas…

What happened in Vegas...is very different from what you're being told. We must take back the narrative from the media and the DNC. Today, Nicole Sandler welcomes Angie Morelli to the show. Angie was on the floor at the NV Democratic Convention, and has been speaking out against the lies. Plus David Dayen explains the story of the foreclosure fraud judgement against Bank of America being overturned by an appeals court, and Dave Johnson joined in to talk about Obama, Vietnam and the TPP, and the new overtime rules too.

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5-17-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Trust No One (Especially the Media)

Mid-way through reading David Dayen's book, "Chain of Title," Nicole Sandler is thrilled to welcome the journalist and author to the show to discuss the foreclosure fraud that scammed the nation (and continues today). Plus the media continues lying about the presidential race, and She's History's Amy Simon discusses sexism in today's political world and more.

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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