Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

{play}{/play} Podcast: Play in new window. I say it all the time.  Some of the shit that's going on is so utterly unbelievable that it couldn't be fiction, because we'd never buy it.  But Mitt Romney is surrounding himself with the same war-loving Neo Cons who enabled the madness of President George Bush II. As I welcomed The Nation's Ari Berman to the show this morning, I warned that his new cover story, "Mitt Romney's Neocon War Cabinet" is more frightening than any horror movie you'll see at the local multiplex.  In fact,  you might not want to read this [...]

By |May 8th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Truth is Scarier than Fiction

I say it all the time.  Some of the shit that's going on is so utterly unbelievable that it couldn't be fiction, because we'd never buy it.  But Mitt Romney is surrounding himself with the same war-loving Neo Cons who enabled the madness of President George Bush II. As I welcomed The Nation's Ari Berman to the show this morning, I warned that his new cover story, "Mitt Romney's Neocon War Cabinet" is more frightening than any horror movie you'll see at the local multiplex.  In fact,  you might not want to read this near bedtime, as the nightmares of [...]

By |May 8th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Truth is Scarier than Fiction

NC’s Amendment 1 and More Scatological Humor

Oh, the things that we find funny, and the things that would be hysterical if only they weren't so terribly, horribly sad. First up is the notion that allowing everyone the same joys and sorrows of marriage will threaten your own happy or sad union.  Seriously.  The state of North Carolina, currently in early voting mode, is voting on Amendment 1 which reads “Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state." Unfortunately, the latest Public Policy Polling data released today shows 10 percent of voters still [...]

By |April 24th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on NC’s Amendment 1 and More Scatological Humor

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