Sometimes there are too few hours in the day! I’m just now getting around to posting yesterday’s show (one more reason why you should subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or Stitcher..)… Just as we were hitting the air for my show I got an email asking me to fill in for Randi Rhodes…. And Alison had a softball game last night (yes, we live in Florida – and it’s the playoffs with another game tonight!)
So, here I am taking a break from show prep for today’s show to post yesterdays, along with links…
On my show, I was joined by the always interesting Cliff Schecter... Lots of ways to read his writings, including his syndicated column and his Sulia missives…
It was Tuesday, so we shot the shit with GottaLaff of The Political Carnival, and talked about these stories and more…
Video- Fox Hosts Gun Club Exec To Respond To Criticism Of His Christmas Photos With Guns Service
VIDEO: Rep. Barney Frank tells GOP Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison to stop using “weasel words.”
Donald Trump’s wiglets, er, kidlets tell him to kindly STFU… allegedly.
VIDEO: Pat Robertson thinks I “want you to be miserable.”
VIDEO: Linda McMahon campaign worker received check and “you’re screwed” condom; then his check bounced.
The tea party’s (persistent) willful blindness
Former Florida GOP leaders: Voter suppression was reason for new election law
WI county clerks to Gov. Scott Walker: “There’s no way we’d be in favor” of eliminating same-day voter registration
On Randi’s show, I played back my interview with Congressman-elect Patrick Murphy. Plus David Cobb, who’s in Florida on his Move to Amend tour told us of the need for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. And Anat Shenker-Osario, author of Don’t Buy It: The Trouble With Talking Nonsense About the Economy joined in to help us talk to our crazy relatives over the holidays…