nauseous upchucks cartoon boy

Please welcome back regular guest contributor, author of Being Christian – a racy novel that explores the dark underbelly of the right-wing Christian world – and the go-to blogger on shocking religion news, hypocrisy, and all things church v. state (weekly upchucks), KC Boyd.

You can link over to the official KC Boyd site here for more where this came from. It’s well worth a look, because I left out the antidotes… and because sometimes the links don’t show up! So for more links and all the antidotes, visit KC’s site. Here is your weekly “where religion meets your rights” collection:

Your Weekly Upchucks: The place where religion meets your rights

– by KC Boyd

Abortion, Contraception And Other Women’s Issues

  • #ExtremeUpchuck More extremism on abortion
  • #DisgraceToHerSex  Jessa Duggar sparks furious backlash after she’s booked to speak at Southern women’s event
  • #DoingJustThat Huck Promises that He and His Party Will Outlaw Abortion Completely
  • #BackToTheAlleyForReal Unless the Supreme Court steps in, 5.4 million Texas women will have only 10 abortion clinics
  • #ButTheStatesWontDoIt Planned Parenthood President: If Feds Won’t Do It, We Need States To Defund Abstinence Programs
  • #GoingNowhereGood Fire At Planned Parenthood Clinic In Washington State Ruled Arson


  • #TaxDollarsAtWork ‘God is STILL in our schools!’: Video shows mass baptism at public high school football practice
  • #ConstitutionBeDamned Texas pastors want tax dollars for church schools
  • #HappninNowInASchoolNearYou KKK Praised in Text used in State-Funded Christian Schools
  • #EgadsHambo Ken Ham: Science has ‘contaminated’ kids into believing in evolution and LGBT rights

Fifty Shades Of Lies, Hypocrisy And Other Somesuch

  • #LovinKim Fourth Husband Of Kim Davis Says She’s “Standing For God,” Hints He’ll Use Gun To Defend Her
  • #HereASinThereASin Kim Davis Was Knocked Up With Another Man’s Twins While Married To First Husband
  • #HowDareHe Lawyer representing Kim Davis compares her to a Jew under the Nazis
  • #HuckAPuke Huckabee Compares Kim Davis To Abraham Lincoln
  • #HowToBecomeAMillionaire KY Clerk Kim Davis Tries to Set Up GoFundMe Account to Make Millions from the Religious Right
  • #But GoFundMe’s New Policy Prevents Kim Davis From Collecting Conservatives’ Cash For Her ‘Religious Heroism’

Israel, End Times And John Hagee

  • #LikeOilToFire Religious Jews are visiting the Temple Mount , defying a centuries-old rabbinic ban & stoking tension with Muslims

Politics Nation

  • TheUltimateHuckster Donald Trump, who meets next month with a group of televangelists, has strong ties to the prosperity-promising prophets of the quick buck—because of course he does.
  • #SinnersLament Bobby Jindal: Racist clerk breaking marriage law must resign but anti-gay clerk breaking marriage law must keep job
  • #BecauseTheBase Only 2 Republican Candidates Think Kim Davis Needs To Quit Or Follow The Law
  • #KentuckyWelcomesHim Mike Huckabee is headed to Kentucky to stop the “criminalization of Christianity,”
  • #NotSoLongAgo John McCain:”Discussing the dangerous Iran deal at a CUFI town hall meeting at ASU tonight” Remember when Candidate McCain had to distance himself from John Hagee and his endorsement?

Religion Gone Bad Gone Mad

Scandals And Scammery

  • #BewareTheShinyObject ‘Prosperity gospel’ preacher hilariously re-enacts that time God showered him with gold dust
  • #ReasonToMurder Jesus guy with a gun: Tennessee man accused of killing wife thinking she had stolen his church tithe money
  • #SatanMadeHimPlantASeed? Josh Duggar’s alleged mistress had pregnancy scare
  • #HeDidHerWrong Finally, Josh Duggar’s Sister Speaks Out Against Her Hypocrite Brother & the Shame He Brought on Faithful Christians
  • #DownOnDuggar ‘She should leave him’: Adult film star says says Duggar ‘not stable enough’ to be trusted with kids.
  • #Shocker.Not. Rick Scott’s Office Caught Manipulating Reports on Planned Parenthood Investigations

Supremes And Lower Courts

  • #BuhBye Supreme Court denies Kentucky clerk request on gay marriage licenses
  • #WowJustWow Scalia thinks public servants with religious objections to laws should quit
  • #WheresTheOutrage Alabama taxpayers billed $200,000 for’ legal fees after state loses doomed same-sex marriage fight
  • #SeekingMartydomAndABigPaycheck Kim Davis: I am prepared to go to jail. Translation:As RW’s newset martyr, give me a big paycheck.
  • #BullyForJesus Kim Davis’s Deputies Reportedly Say They Want To Issue Marriage Licenses But Are Too Afraid Of Davis
  • #NepotismHillbillyStyle  Kim Davis’ son Nathan refuses to issue same-sex marriage licenses in Kentucky after mother is jailed
  • #HillbillyGoesToJail Kim Davis will be jailed on contempt charges until she agrees to issue same-sex marriage licenses
  • #Beavis’sButthead Kim Davis’ fourth husband says clerk won’t resign: ‘Tell Judge Bunning he’s a butt’

Theocracy Rising

  • #HeAintRisen Texas sheriff lashes out at critics by citing Bible verses: ‘All authority comes from God’
  • #TexAssAgain Texas lawyer exposes religious hiring test for peace officers: County only wanted Baptist constables
  • #TimeToOrderThisBook New Zealand bans award-winning teenage novel after outcry from Christian group.
  • #Truthy Republican Religious Fanatics Pose A Much Bigger Threat To Our Country Than ISIS

When Media’s The Message

  • #AlreadyACivilWarOfWords Fox News’ Erick Erickson Says Kentucky Clerk’s Jailing Could Lead To “Another Civil War”