Tomorrow is Media Bias Sunday! Or as I like to call it, Librul Media My Ass Sunday. Previously I kept a running tally of all things unfair, unbalanced via the infamous TPC Media Bias Sunday Talk scoreboard. Now the series is a regular feature at Radio Or Not.
So remember when we had a Democratic majority in Congress and the excuse for GOP guests outnumbering Dem guests on the Sunday talk shows was the need to “balance” everything out? Now we have a Republican majority, and guess what? There are still more GOP guests, because… we now have a Republican majority that clearly has more worthy commentary than anyone on the left could, amIright? Apparently, allowing more Dems (especially Progressives) to represent and counter all those right wing talking points just isn’t a priority, despite the imbalance.
But wait. Where’s McCain this week? He’s M.I.A.! What? Is he napping? Screaming at kids to get off his lawn? Plotting to bomb, bomb, bomb Iraq again? Or Iran? Or Syria? Or Russia? Preparing for yet another investigation into BENGHAZI!!!!!! ? and/or MAILGHAZI!!!!!? Nevermind. His BFF, stand-in, and fainting couch aficionado Li’l Lindsey Graham got booked instead! Whew! Close one!
Now it’s time to take a sneak preview of what’s coming up on the Big Media Bias Sunday Talker Line-Up, per the Los Angeles Times… okay? Okay.
This is not a complete list and is subject to change at the whim of the Corporate Media. I try not to include panels, because they usually include mostly Republicans, and if there are “Democrats,” they’re about as “liberal” as, well, Harold Ford.
And as you may have noticed, Fox is not included, because, well come on, what’s the point?
ABC’s “This Week” — Colin Powell (R); Ferguson Mayor James Knowles (R).
NBC’s “Meet the Press” — Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D); Sen. Lindsey Graham (R); Rep. John Lewis (D); Sen. Claire McCaskill (D).
CBS’ “Face the Nation” — President Barack Obama (D); Sen. Mitch McConnell (R). Rep. Trey Gowdy (R); Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D); Sen. Tim Scott (R).
CNN’s “State of the Union” — Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales (R); Rep. Adam Schiff (D). Rep. Darrell Issa (R); Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D).
It’s time to do the math:
Red Rs + Red Rs, carry the pi, divided by D, times Bias, minus even-handedness… calculating…
Total: 8 Rs, 7 Ds. Please feel free to check the addition and political affiliations.
There it is: Your librul media at work.
Oh I See My Neoliberalist Senator Claire McAsshole On Beat The Meat Hosted By Fuck Wad
Oh come on, don’t hold back.
If The Dumb Fits….
Howdy GottaLaff! I don’t know how to navigate this site so if you can tell me how to send a msg to you on Disqus directly, like in a mailbox, I would appreciate it. I am Dundalk & ButtersStotch on twitter. Butters is my inner child
Are you still with “Political Carnival”?
I didn’t realize YOU were Butters, Dash!! Not sure how to send me a private message. Why not DM me? And no, I haven’t been at TPC since September. Here’s the post explaining:
I agree with Chauncy!