A scene from Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Virtual Studios’ action thriller “V for Vendetta,” distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. The film stars Natalie Portman. PHOTOGRAPHS TO BE USED SOLELY FOR ADVERTISING, PROMOTION, PUBLICITY OR REVIEWS OF THIS SPECIFIC MOTION PICTURE AND TO REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE STUDIO. NOT FOR SALE OR REDISTRIBUTION.


That line makes sense to you if you’ve seen the awesome movie V for Vendetta or if you’re watching your Twitter stream all day under a hashtag search for #HoodsOff or #OpKKK, as today is the day that Anonymous will allegedly make good on their promise to out KKK members from every walk of Amerikkkan life. At 1:03pm ET, still nothing….

Meanwhile, today’s show began with my emotional reading of a couple of emails from listeners who have been very generous with their contributions to support the show and what I try to do here at Radio or Not. Sorry for the outburst, but I had to share them with you.

Harvey J. Kaye returned, as he does on alternating Thursdays. Today, we discussed the issue that’s turning more Bernie Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton than anything else- her bullshit sexism charges against Sen. Sanders. We also discussed what happened on election day…

A subject I continued to explore with Howie Klein of Down with Tyranny and the Blue America PAC who has a few different fund raising pages: Blue America ’16 Congressional races,  Blue America for Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders supporters, and Blue America Senate .

And Marianne Williamson is back with a great idea!


Boy do we have a lot of work to do!

I’ll be back tomorrow to wrap up the week with Julianna Forlano and a musical blast from the past, radio or not!