House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) speaks at the John Hay Initiative in Washington September 28, 2015. REUTERS/Gary Cameron
What a difference a day makes! When the day began, all indications were that speaking-challenged Speaker-in-waiting would clear his first hurdle today in his quest to take the gavel from John Boehner. But McCarthy’s inability to string three words together to make a coherent sentence were trumped by the one instance in which the words came out quite clearly, when he articulated the fact that the Benghazi “select” committee was formed precisely to to take down Hillary Clinton.
After from my accidental stumbling across segments on last night’s Rachel Maddow Show and Late Show with Stephen Colbert poking fun at the future speaker’s inability to, well, speak, today’s debacle had me laughing almost out loud. It would be really funny if not for the sad reality that the alternative to Speaker McCarthy will be Speaker Even More Batshit Crazy. Stay tuned…
Harvey J. Kaye joins me on alternating Thursdays to talk about the subject he teaches at UWGB, Democracy & Justice! Today, he shared his observances of his students, and what he’s learned about millennials and their political leanings from them.
In hour two, Howie Klein returned to share his political insights with us, including the news that the blackout on Congressional endorsements for Bernie Sanders candidacy has ended, thanks to Raul Grijalva. Reportedly, more endorsements from sitting members will follow.
A few congressional candidates have also stepped up to endorse Sanders including Alex Law (running in NJ-01), Robbie Wilson (AR-03) and Tom Guild (OK-05). To thank them for stepping out early in support of Bernie, Blue America set up a special Bernie Congressional Supporters page, on which you can donate to any or all of them, plus to Bernie’s campaign too.
Be sure to check in at DownWithTyranny.com tomorrow for Howie’s post announcing the contest for the “Friends” soundtrack platinum record award too.
I’m guest hosting the Bradcast through Monday, so I’ll see you there tonight, and back here tomorrow morning to stick a fork in this week, radio or not!
***Whoops… popping back in to post today’s pre- and post- show music…