After years of doing mornings on the radio, it’s a bit weird to be on late at night… but I am on Air America all this week and next, from 11pm -1am ET/ 8-10pm PT.

Yesterday, in the midst of my obsession with following the events in Iran unfolding via Twitter, I took a break, of sorts, to watch the new film, “The Stoning of Soraya M”.

It’s based on the true story of a woman in a remote village in Iran who was falsely accused by her husband of committing adultery, and stoned to death as punishment. Iranian actress Shoreh Aghdashloo (House of Sand and Fog, “24”) stars as Soraya’s aunt, who has the courage to find a journalist and tell the story of what happened. Tonight, Shoreh will join me on the show to talk about the film, and give her thoughts about what’s happening in the country she fled 30 years ago on the eve of the Revolution.

I was so moved by that story of the film, that I began searching for information about how women are treated in the Muslim world. I found Fatemeh Fakhraie is an editor, writer, and blogger who writes about issues from her perspective as Iranian-American Muslim woman. She writes about Islamic feminism, Islam, and race for several online and print outlets, including Racialicious, Bitch magazine, and AltMuslimah.

In 2007, Fatemeh founded Muslimah Media Watch, a website dedicated to critically analyzing images of Muslim women in global media and pop culture. She currently serves as editor-in-chief of the website. She’ll join me at around 11:30 ET tonight.

In our second hour tonight, we’ll lighten up the mood a bit, and take a look at political humor. Did David Letterman go too far with his joke about Sarah Palin’s daughter? Is there a line in political humor, and when is it crossed? Lisa Derrick, who writes the La Figa blog at will be my guest, as she also holds court online in a live chat. Talk about multi-tasking!!

Your calls, comments and jokes are welcome at 866-303-2270. And listen in at