Not Monty Python’s Palin & Jones

"Pastor" Terry Jones just finished up a press conference in which he said that he's canceling Saturday's scheduled Koran burning in Gainesville FL because the Imam of the planned Islamic center near ground zero has agreed to relocate it. Call me a cynic, but I think this guy is full of shit.  I don't believe the Imam agreed to any such thing.  And if he did, it's tantamount to blackmail or negotiating with a terrorist.  Yes, I think Terry Jones is a terrorist. I think this whole idea of linking the Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan with the Koran burning [...]

By |September 9th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Not Monty Python’s Palin & Jones

I Love Dick

I knew that headline would get your attention.  Seriously, I've always loved Dick Van Dyke.  When I was a kid, The Dick Van Dyke Show (with Mary Tyler Moore) was my absolute favorite. Well, I had a blast from the past today when I got an email from an old friend in Los Angeles who I hadn't heard from in quite a few years.  I thought he was calling because he heard me on the Stephanie Miller Show with guest host John Fugelsang this morning.  But that wasn't the case.  He was writing because he heard my name mentioned on [...]

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