7-5-16 Morning News Roundup

Morning Jumpstart Obama-Clinton: Road trip buddies FBI interviews Hillary Clinton: Emails Suicide bombing near Saudi holy site Trump Veepstakes: This week? Trump defends Star of David tweet House Democrats plan gun disruptions Sex may spread Zika more than thought America celebrates the Fourth Obama-Clinton: Road Trip Buddies (AP, NYT, me) • They've been bitter rivals, allies and colleagues. Hillary Clinton's chances of winning the WH hinge on rallying President Obama's coalition to her cause. Obama's legacy depends on her success. Eight years after they spent millions tearing each other down, the foe-to-friend story will be at the center of the [...]

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Wednesday, Round 2

Getting ready for today's Randi Rhodes Show, with lots to talk about! Of course, we started the day with a loud bang (and John McCain's still complaining about it) as President Obama signed the law repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell. Now, that's the holiday spirit! But there are still a few bills dangling as the GOP Senators keep complaining they have to work!  We should get some resolution today on the START Treaty, which made it through a cloture vote yesterday with the 67 votes needed for ratification of a treaty! The big mystery at this hour is the fate [...]

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