Where Are The Jobs?

While the very serious people in Washington are consumed with a fabricated crisis, millions of Americans are out of work.  The Republicans won big in 2010 by claiming they were all about job creation, but not one jobs bill has even been introduced in the Boehner-led House. The debt ceiling controversy is a diversion from the real problems we're facing.  The national debt could be eviscerated in 10 years if we adopted the People's Budget, proposed by the Progressive Caucus, without the unthinkable cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security that are being discussed now. And all of the "solutions" [...]

By |July 15th, 2011|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Where Are The Jobs?

Live from Netroots Nation

It was a great time at Netroots Nation! I'm finally home and able to post the show we did live from the exhibit hall Thursday morning. Once things got rolling, it was a non-stop parade of wonderful guests including Sam Seder, Truthout.org's Jason Leopold, Progressive Congress' Darcy Burner, Adam Bink of Courage Campaign, consultant/pundit Cliff Schecter, Teacher Ken (of Daily Kos), Sally Kohn, Mark Levine, Democracy for America Executive Director Ashad Hasan, congressional candidate Norman Solomon, and comedian Matthew Filipowitz. I'll share more with you on the show tomorrow and the rest of the week.  Stay tuned for my conversations [...]

By |June 19th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Live from Netroots Nation

Standing Up For What’s Right

It's what I try to do on my show every day. But in real life, do we truly take action? I understand, life gets in the way.  Working -sometimes 2 or 3 jobs- to get enough money to feed our kids and pay the rent - or mortgage, if we haven't yet lost our homes.  Taking care of the kids, the car, the house, the dogs... then we're supposed to get active too? Of course, there's the money issue.  There are always great actions going on in Washington DC that we'd love to attend... if it didn't cost money that [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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