Whose Airwaves? (04/21/2014)

Radio is a sound salvationRadio is cleaning up the nationThey say you better listen to the voice of reasonBut they don't give you any choice'cause they think that it's treason.So you had better do as you are told.You better listen to the radio.I wanna bite the hand that feeds me.I wanna bite that hand so badly.I want to make them wish they'd never seen me.Some of my friends sit around every eveningand they worry about the times aheadBut everybody else is overwhelmed by indifferenceand the promise of an early bedYou either shut up or get cut up;they don't wanna hear [...]

Radio – Or Not?

  When I came up with the name "Radio or Not" for this website, I was being clever.  Obviously, it's a take on "ready or not" - something that one says in anticipation of something exciting. Then, or course, the more literal meaning.  What I do is radio... but these days without the traditional radio transmitter or antenna.  So, it's radio, but it's not. That, I believe, is the future of radio. No, I don't think over the air radio will ever go away, just as we still have basic over the air television (although I don't know anyone who [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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