No Pope Radio… er Rubio

If Marco Rubio is the Republicans savior, maybe he can just skip to Rome  to replace the pontiff. Ah yes, the pope jokes were flying on the twitters this morning.  But there's really nothing funny about this pope who has turned a blind eye to the sexual abuse of young boys by his priests.  So, I figured I'd steal the headline from the not funny No Soap Radio non-joke.  Unfortunately, Marco Rubio will likely be around a lot longer than the Benedict...  Not only did Time magazine declare him the GOP savior, he'll be delivering the Republican response to tomorrow [...]

How To Really Piss People Off

Just talk about the heinous activities of the Catholic church. Wow.  Well, when you talk about abortion or religion, you're going to get people to disagree with you. But, in my opinion, the Catholic church has been complicit in the molestation and rape of children for way too long, and it must stop.  And the fact that the Vatican has only responded by attacking the NY Times for their coverage of the scandal makes it all the more despicable. I got some nasty email and tweets, and I feel sorry for the people who are defending the church on this [...]

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