8-18-17 Nicole Sandler Show – How to Deal with the Trump Era

With more white supremacist rallies scheduled this weekend and going forward, how do we deal with them? Do you go and join in the counter protest or stay home and (relatively) safe? And how do you explain what's happening to your kids? Dr. Ava Siegler, author of How Do I Explain This to My Kids?: Parenting in the Age of Trump joins in to discuss the last question.

By |August 18th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 8-18-17 Nicole Sandler Show – How to Deal with the Trump Era

8-16-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Our Surreal World with Julianna Forlano

I'm still stunned by the events in Charlottesville this weekend, and absolutely floored by D'ump's press conference yesterday in which he blamed the counter protesters for the violence. I took some listener calls, and read another great editorial by Washington Post conservative blogger Jennifer Rubin, "Republicans, cut the outrage. It’s time to disown Trump." Julianna Forlano joined in to tell us about seeing Michael Moore's Terms of My Surrender on Broadway and trying to remain calm in the face of creeping fascism. I mentioned the Vice coverage of the Charlottesville mess, and promised to post it here. Please watch it. [...]

By |August 16th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 8-16-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Our Surreal World with Julianna Forlano

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