2-13-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Monday Blues

  https://redirect.zen.ai/r/episode/63eaef50832e33b0972de933/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/3e4c12c9-d713-45f8-a032-b3c9f9bd7602.mp3   Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode, scroll down for the video version I was actually in a fun, snarky mood until about an hour ago when I got a phone call from the husband of a long-time listener, Joy Williams. Joy died on Friday. She had been battling cancer and liver failure, and it seems that the liver failure was what did her in. We've developed a real community here . You can see it in action in the chat room every day during the show, so [...]

By |February 13th, 2023|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 2-13-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Monday Blues

12-12-22 Nicole Sandler Show – BG is Free. Now What about Leonard Peltier?

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   After the phony outrage from the American right wing nuts, about the deal to get Brittney Griner home, I got to thinking about other political prisoners. The longest-serving one is Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist who's been held since 1975! He just turned 78, is in failing health, and the government has resisted calls for his release for decades. Today, I'll share the latest on the efforts to free Peltier, including a letter from seven US Senators sent to President Biden [...]

By |December 12th, 2022|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 12-12-22 Nicole Sandler Show – BG is Free. Now What about Leonard Peltier?

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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