5-26-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesday Truths
Nicole is back from the long Memorial Day weekend, ready to debunk some untruths told on Friday's show. Guests include former cop, now LEAP spokesman Raeford Davis, and @GottaLaff too!
Nicole is back from the long Memorial Day weekend, ready to debunk some untruths told on Friday's show. Guests include former cop, now LEAP spokesman Raeford Davis, and @GottaLaff too!
I've long believed that the so-called War on Drugs does much more harm than good. The good folks at Drug Policy Central have come up with a War on Drugs Clock. The amounts reset on January 1 of each year. The numbers below are are cumulative from the first of the year only! // Arrests for drug law violations this year are expected to exceed the 1,663,582 arrests of 2009. Law enforcement made more arrests for drug abuse violations (an estimated 1.6 million arrests, or 13.0 percent of the total number of arrests) than for any other offense in [...]
**Updated Monday night... podcasts are now posted. Click on the player above for my regular show, and click here to hear today's Randi Rhodes Show (with me)*** It's another marathon Monday, as I'll be filling in for Randi Rhodes this afternoon, then doing my show too! It's baseball's opening day, Tiger Woods returns to the golf course, and it's Easter Egg Roll day at the White House. No, Randi Rhodes isn't attending any of those events. But she will be on Joy Behar's show tonight, so be sure to tune in. I've been keeping busy for the past few months. [...]