7-25-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Just Another Messed Up Monday, Busted Ribs and All

Download here or click below to play   Yes, it's a messed up Monday with a silver lining! I awoke this morning to be greeted by some YouTube videos of Joni Mitchell performing at the Newport Folk Festival yesterday -- her first live performance in about 20 years and her first time on that stage since 1969! Thank goodness, cuz the rest of the day ain't so great... Like finding out I fractured two ribs on Friday and that's what this pain in my side has been. So there's that... Today, we'll hear from the fifth of six Democratic candidates [...]

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7-8-22 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s a Mad World (At Least We Made it to the Weekend!)

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   We made it to another Friday. With the way things are going in the world, I'm amazed we made it this far. Between the holiday on Monday and taking Wednesday off, there are a few important stories/issues I never got around to. So today, we'll wrap up the week's loose ends. I'm also beginning my vetting of the candidates running to replace Ted Deutch, my Congressman, who's retiring. There are quite a few Democrats vying for the nomination, so I reached out [...]

By |July 8th, 2022|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 7-8-22 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s a Mad World (At Least We Made it to the Weekend!)

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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