Ding Dong DADT is Dead

Is it possible to feel great joy and terrible despair at the same time?  It is, and it's happening today.  While the horrible policy that was Don't Ask Don't Tell is officially dead,  it looks like another innocent man is likely dead too. Yes, today, as we celebrate the end of another ugly chapter of discrimination in America, we continue executing people - even in the face of overwhelming doubt of their guilt. Tomorrow, Troy Davis will be executed by the murderous state of Georgia.  It's looking more and more like that will be the tragic reality as this alert [...]

By |September 20th, 2011|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Ding Dong DADT is Dead

GOP Deathers to the Rest of Us: Whoopee You’re All Gonna Die!

Ahh yes, the GOP has a new name in my book.  Just call them The Deathers.  They applaud Rick Perry for executing 234 prisoners, while he doesn't worry that any of them might have been innocent. (Hint: yes, at least one was!)   The Deathers have a new anthem.. feel free to spread it around! And in case you need a reminder that Alan Grayson was correct when he told us about the Republican Health Care Plan... just listen to him, juxtaposed with the GOP's "Let Him Die" attidude. Of course, this is nothing new. Thanks to GottaLaff, [...]

By |September 14th, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on GOP Deathers to the Rest of Us: Whoopee You’re All Gonna Die!

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