3-3-15 Nicole Sandler Show – From ALEC to Atheists

Today, Nicole talks with Lisa Graves of the Center for Media & Democracy (ALEC Exposed & more) about the bipartisan coalition on criminal justice reform and whether ALEC, the Kochs, etc can be trusted. Plus David Silverman, president of American Atheists on this week's convention and the controversy surrounding it.

Laughter and Tears

That picture is just one of many screens you'll see at EtchASketchMittRomney.com. It all started yesterday morning when our pal John Fugelsang asked Mitt Romney's communications director a question on Soledad O'Brien's morning show on CNN: My buddy John Fugelsang, who happens to be a brand new dad (see below) took time out between a return appearance on CNN- he's there all next week too, and filming a role in a movie, to chat with us about all that's happened recently, including the arrival of  Henry Jack Fugelsang... The show started with an update from Truthout's Jason Leopold about the [...]

Countdown to The Rapture!

My boyfriend David and I were in Ft. Lauderdale the other day, having lunch at the delicious East Coast Burrito Factory when we spotted an interesting billboard.  It was one of the big, expensive ones, and it looked like this: I was intrigued, so I wrote down the url, and looked it up.  It turns out, I recognized the name "Atheist Bob" as someone who used to call into my morning show on WINZ, and reached out to invite him on the show to talk about this.  Atheist Bob Senatore is the president of the group Florida Atheists and Secular [...]

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