The 2014 AFT convention wraps up today, and I’m thrilled that I was able to be here to cover it. After all, our future depends on these people who, in many cases, spend more times with our children than their parents do.
But it’s not only teachers represented by the American Federation of Teachers. The AFT also represents nurses and other healthcare workers, school staff other than teachers, public defenders and other public sector employees. I overheard someone waiting in line the other day suggesting they change the name of the AFT to the AFP – American Federation of People!
We got to hear a spirited debate on the Common Core State Standards, and hear the membership overwhelmingly pass a resolution calling for a “Secretary Improvement Plan” for Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, allowing him the due process that he’s currently in favor of abolishing for teachers!
On the show today, I played some of the audio from both of those passionate moments from the convention floor from yesterday afternoon, and even spoke with Dennis Kelly of United Educators of San Francisco who introduced the Duncan amendment, as well as some of the healthcare members of AFT and a few teachers as well.
I’ll have a postscript on the AFT convention tomorrow morning, when I’ll be broadcasting from Amy Simon’s house for the regular program, 10-noon ET/7-9 PT.
And a reminder.. we’ll have a special show tomorrow evening, sometime around 7:30 PT/ 10:30 ET, our second “Vagina Dialogues” outing with Amy Simon, GottaLaff and myself.. and, perhaps, a special guest or two. Then on to Detroit on Wednesday for Netroots Nation!
See you tomorrow, radio or not!
[…] recap the trip, all you need do is listen to the shows from the past week or so. (Find them here, here, here, here and my interview with the amazing Rev. Dr. William Barber is posted as a standalone […]
Nicole you did an Excellent Job All Weekend !!! Yes our Children is the Future and it Starts with Professional Teachers!! UNION ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!