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This has been a ridiculously busy news week– and today is only Wednesday. So I thought, after a look at today’s news and after we tie up a few loose ends – we’ll have a musical reset. Well, without the music!

As you may have heard me mention, I’m working on a huge project with a group of radio veterans. It’s called Women Who Rock, and will feature a streaming music station playing all female artists, a Women Who Rock Podcast network, and a community and information area. I thought we’d be launching around now, but there are a lot of moving pieces….

So, since we’re still probably a month or two away from launching I decided to raid those files and share with you an interview I conducted last month with the great Melissa Etheridge! Melissa is currently on tour (all dates listed here, and in September she goes to Broadway!

We talk about all of it.. her music, her politics, her activism, her 35-year long career so far and lots more.

Yes, this interview will be part of the opening week festivities of, but today my listeners get a sneak treat… a midweek Melissa intermezzo!

And this is the song I played at the end, “This Human Chain.”  Enjoy!