Gloria Steinem may have proved herself an anachronism Friday night on Real Time with Bill Maher when she said of the young women who are, overwhelmingly, supporting Bernie Sanders
“…when you’re young, you’re thinking ‘Where are the boys? The Boys are with Bernie’ …
[girlish laugh here]”
I may not be young any more, but are you fucking kidding me? And then there was this. The first female Secretary of State Madeline Albright actually went here
I understand that she’s been saying “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women,” for decades now, but in this instance, she’s talking to young women who probably are unaware of her questionable humor history. And Hillary Clinton’s reaction to that statement in this circumstance was also quite unfortunate.
This sends an awful message to my daughter’s generation from two women who should know better! They’re saying vote for Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman. They might think she’s the best candidate, but that’s not what they’re saying, and that’s a shame.
I am a 56 year-old woman, so I’m no longer considered young. But I’m a staunch Bernie Sanders supporter because finally I have a candidate who won’t compromise his principles in order to fit into the system already in place, who instead pushes for the system we need.
Today on the show
As he does each Monday morning, media trainer and strategist Joel Silberman joined in to talk about the race, the debates, and a progressive congress meeting he just attended.
And in the second hour, I welcomed both Stephanie Kelton and RJ Eskow to talk about Bernie Sanders. Stephanie Kelton is a professor of Economics at the University of Missouri in Kansas City and worked as the chief economist on the US Senate Budge Committee and as advisor to Sen. Sanders. Richard “RJ” Eskow, host of The Zero Hour is the only writer and editor on the Bernie Sanders campaign staff.
I asked them to respond to some the attacks being aimed at Bernie from the Clinton campaign and from Hillary herself. I found the answers to be exactly as I expected.
And finally, I loved seeing Bernie in the SNL skit on the boat bringing immigrants to America (no, it wasn’t the Titanic, stupid media). It was the perfect cameo for him.
Keep in mind that the Larry David “Bernie Sanders” in this one is NOT our Bernie! But I thought this one was funnier.