Masks representing US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are pictured in a factory of costumes and masks, on October 16, 2015, in Jiutepec, Morelos State. RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AFP/Getty Images
Tomorrow’s Halloween, but haven’t we really been frightened enough this week? That debate on Wednesday night was the scariest thing I’ve seen in a long time! </rimshot>
I’m late in posting this today, but I did promise to embed my Halloween pre-show music playlist, so hit play and listen while you continue reading.
What a week, huh? We had our final Morning Boehner today. I can’t imagine I’d miss the John of Orange, but I have a feeling we’ll long for his tears over the Eddie Munster widow’s peak before too long. The devil you know, you know?
We had the third GOP debate this week, such as it was. It was such that the RNC canceled the scheduled NBC debate because they were so angry that CNBC did such a shitty job.
Those things dominated the news. You’d think someone somewhere in the mainstream media, some so-called news organization would have covered the National College Town Hall that Bernie Sanders held Wednesday night. Not only was the event pretty amazing (see all the engaged young people!!), but it ended with one of the most moving moments – genuinely incredible – yet the TV channels that cover Donald Trump’s every belch didn’t deem this newsworthy enough.
Those are called goosebumps, in case you were wondering.
Julianna Forlano was here, as she is most Friday mornings. Here’s her latest video of hilarity.
And it was a bag full of treats (sorry) for Flashback Friday today. A couple of interviews with Chris Isaak! The first one was from October 31, 1996, from a live national radio concert broadcast from the House of Blues in Los Angeles. And the second was from backstage at the Grammy awards that same year.
Since we still had time at the end, I played a short interview with Sting from October 27, 1999.