The gloves are off. Hillary Clinton’s campaign must really be feeling the pressure from the recent Sanders surge in the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire, and it’s showing. They went on the attack with all surrogates on deck – from Chelsea Clinton to Karen Finney to Howard Dean – lying about what Sanders is proposing, and doing exactly what Clinton railed about eight years ago when she demanded of then-Senator Obama, “Since when do Democrats attack other on another on universal health care?”
I hope Bernie asks her that very question on Sunday night when they meet for the next Democratic primary debate. In other news, The Nation magazine did something today it’s only done twice before in its 150-year history – they endorsed Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primary!
We had a busy show today. Ben Wikler joined in from to give us a few more details on the overwhelming vote of their members to endorse Bernie Sanders with the most votes and by the widest margin in MoveOn’s history with 78.6% of the vote!
Today was Driftglass Thursday, with the man who writes the Driftglass blog and co-hosts the Professional Left Podcast with his wife, the lovely Blue Gal Fran (who, by popular demand, will be here Tuesday morning!).
And finally, Howie Klein returned today to talk about Steve Israel retiring, Debbie Wasserman Schultz under fire and being challenged in the primary by a great candidate in Tim Canova, and lots more!
Tomorrow, we’ll end the week with the highlights (lowlights?) of tonight’s GOP debate, and some laughs with Julianna Forlano, and a musical blast from my radio past on Flashback Friday too, radio or not!