If there is any difference between one’s truth and one’s reality, I tried to explore it this morning. This was to be a pretty big show. Michelle Shocked agreed to come on with me to clarify the statements she made from the stage Sunday night at Yoshi’s in San Franciso. From her music and what I’ve seen in this woman whom I’ve interviewed a few times over the years, I believed her to be a compassionate, caring, far-from-bigoted person that was being reported by disgusted concert goers Sunday night.
So, I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. I had a lengthy email conversation earlier this week with one of the attendees Sunday night who had a different opinion of the episode. Colin Epstein, who had been on a real high earlier during the Yoshi’s show as he was a fan who was able to accompany Michelle on harp during a song, believed that she was trying to say something different, albeit clumsily, and then mob rule took over.
“At the start of the second set, Shocked said a lot of disjointed, garbled things. These included thoughts about Jesus, sin, and gays, but for the life of me I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Some of it was even in Spanish for some reason. In my eyes, it was far too unfocused to qualify as any sort of rant. I do think some of the stuff was said ironically. I know she made one statement criticizing some Christians that seems to have gone completely unreported. She said (paraphrasing as accurately as I can from memory) “I’m tired of Christians who hide their hypocrisy behind the cross.” What did she mean? I don’t know. It was just one of many statements she made that lacked any apparent cohesion. The most infamous soundbite, (which I remember as “now y’all can go on Twitter and say Michelle Shocked says God hates fags,” though it’s been reported with drastically different syntax elsewhere) I took as sad, ironic surrender to how the crowd had turned on her and mis-read her rather than the boastful statement others are reporting. But the crowd took anything she said at full face value and things got ugly fast. While I wish Shocked had calmed down and explained herself instead of letting the reactionaries in the audience control the conversation, I’m not sure she could have.”
So when Michelle agreed to come on my show today, I was thrilled. I wanted to give her the opportunity to tell what happened – to reconcile what she was trying to say with the the words that we’ve all now heard with our own ears, as this recording surfaced yesterday:
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to ask her any of the questions I had hoped to, and didn’t hear her clarify anything this morning as she wouldn’t answer the phone when I called. And I tried. Repeatedly. When she did answer, she just read some of her “Open Letter” that was released yesterday.
If I remember correctly, she picked up a second time, but was obsessed with the delay between the phone conversation and when the sound came through her computer speakers that her paranoia took over. I tried to tell her to turn down the sound on her computer and just talk to me on the phone, but she began counting the seconds of the delay. She later tweeted that to music journalist Chris Willman of Yahoo music that she thought I “was going to ‘fact check’ during the delay the way you do”. (Note: I’ve known Chris since my LA radio days when he wrote for the LA Times, and he bent over backwards to give Michelle the benefit of the doubt on this story, as I did. Yet she has attacked him mercilessly via Twitter)
Instead of talking with me – human to human, Shocked decided she wanted to continue to speak her own, strange version of reality via twitter. Michelle seems to be somewhat obsessed with the Twitters these days. As you can hear from the recording from Sunday night, it was that way during the show. She actually agreed to come on the show via twitter:
@nicolesandler @angie_coiro @tomtomorrow Hey Nikki, after all you’ve done for me over the years, I owe you that interview. Friday, 3 PST?
— Michelle Shocked (@MShocked) March 19, 2013
@mshocked Thanks Michelle!I don’t do a show on Fridays. I’m on Mon-Thu 7-9am PT.Can u do something in there, or tape tomorrow or Wed?
— Nicole Sandler (@nicolesandler) March 19, 2013
@nicolesandler @watergatesummer @chriswillman @lingersoaps @burnplant Nicole, let’s talk 8am PT Thursday #shortsharpshocked #truthvsreality
— Michelle Shocked (@MShocked) March 19, 2013
When I texted her last night to confirm the interview today, she attempted to back out. I wasn’t going to release our text conversation, but thought it necessary in that she, again, went back on her word and did what she proposed last night, which I categorically did not agree with.
Since we wanted to hear her words, I played much of the recording, embedded above, from the Sunday night show that surfaced yesterday on the show this morning, all the while attempting to get her to talk to me… to us!
I really wanted to hear Michelle clarify what she was trying to say. Instead, she seems to be digging herself a deeper hole – and alienating the few people who’ve been attempting to help her.
She lashed out at me in the final moments of the show, when she called back in as I was playing my favorite Michelle Shocked song, “Come a Long Way” – for the last time. I’m sorry she’s going through this, and I hope she can get some help.
Perhaps she should go back and listen to the first hour of the show in which I had the pleasure of interviewing former Congressman Bob Ney. In Bob’s book, Sideswiped: Lessons Learned Courtesy of the Hit Men of Capitol Hill, and on my show this morning, Bob admitted the mistakes he made. He’s said he’s sorry. I have a lot more respect for Ney today than I do for Michelle Shocked.
And I still wish I understood what point Michelle Shocked is trying to make with her Truth vs. Reality meme. She might be on to something, but I don’t think we’ll ever know.
[…] suspicion that technology could and would be used against her didn’t end there. Shocked agreed to be interviewed by old friend and progressive talk show host Nicole Sandler, but when the appointed hour arrived, […]
Train wreck. Career ending. Rant is far outside of the Christian norm, so even that is not an excuse. The Westborough Baptist Church is the only group i know of claiming to be Christian and saying God hates anyone. It’s on me that I listened to it till the end, so I guess I can’t criticize you for losing your cool a little Nicole. As a lesbian fully comfortable in my own skin, it is just sad to see someone lose the battle and internalize all of the hate. That’s what is really shameful. When religion makes people feel bad about themselves and others.
I’m not really buying the mental illness angle here.
A woman who is known for her wit and eloquence is perfectly lucid in the weeks/months/years before the Yoshi’s gig is now on the midnight train to Crazy Town after the fact?
Social media being the courtroom of the masses today, this reeks of a manufactured diminished capacity defense. I call bullsh*t.
The sad part here is that Michelle has severe psychological problems, for which she deserves help and compassion. Nicole attempted to provide help and compassion from the perspective of a radio-host-interview professional. The fact that Michelle thwarted her own best interests by displaying clearly psychotic behavior reflects on Michelle, not Nicole. At least Nicole tried to help Michelle rehabilitate her reputation. Who else is trying to help Michelle rehabilitate her reputation? I see no one else, save for the ghost writer who provided the canned response letter that Michelle pitifully tried to read on-air.
It was not Nicole’s original intent that I was criticizing but what she said and how she said it. What may have started out as an intent to help Michelle rehabilitate her reputation turned into bullying and badgering and even criticism. I forgot to include this in my original post, and I don’t have my notes in front of me to give you the exact words. But at one point, Nicole even said something like “Your soul is lost.” That is probably the worse thing you can say to a religious person.
I am yet another longtime Shocked fan and have been reeling over this whole situation for a few days now. I heard the Yoshi recording and tried to cut through all the commentary about what she said and what was meant by it. In the end I couldn’t accept she was being ironic, no matter how much I wanted to to because she clearly linked the legalization of gay marriage to the end of the world. For a while I figured her Mormon background had made her a soft target for the fundie church she belongs to now. But in the ramblings of that Yoshi incident there are clear signs of mental stress, if not deterioration. Her strange back and forth with you made that even more clear. I’m grieving for her and wish her the best to find solid ground again.
I have been a longtime fan of Michelle Shocked, but am really sad and depressed about this recent turn of events. I grew up in the Dallas/FW area in the 1970’s and 80’s, and left that place primarily because of this kind of atitude toward gays. A certain patronizing view that others knew what was good for you and knew exactly how God felt about this issue, but you (as a gay person) did not have the appropriate revelation.
I was not/am not gay, but had many friends who were/are. Only later in life did I learn how many grade school acquaitances and friends were gay. It sucks the damage that this kind of environment has on adolescents who lack a supportive family or community to deal with this. I know damn well that if homosexuality were a choice, very few adolescents/adults living in the Bible Belt would choose to be gay. I’m left-handed. Does God “approve”?
Michelle has a truly wonderful gift of song to give. I look forward to the day when I can enjoy her performances without the judgement of others getting in the way.
The beauty of music is that it is a unifying experience. It is one of the few opportunities that people from various different backgrounds — atheists & fundamentalists, Jews & gentiles, sinners and saints, Republicans & Democrats, tea partiers and socialists, Southerners & Yankees, gays & straights, able-bodied & disabled, young and old, pacifists and hawks, rich and poor, loved and unloved, smart and not so smart, the beautiful and the not so beautiful — have the chance to get together and bond over something.
Maybe Michelle Shocked will have a Bob Portman experience someday…
I am a long time Michelle Shocked fan, I thank you for allowing her the opportunity to air her side of this controversy. While I found the show painful to listen to it was very successful in getting across the fact that Ms. Shocked is not in control of her faculties. I hope that she will reach out and get some help.
What’s the matter, Nicole? You only publish laudatory comments?
If that was true your “comments” would have been moderated out. Relax.
Hi Nicole,
I am kinda the “Johnny Come Lately” here, as I only read about the Shocked incident today and spent several hours this evening trying to make sense of all of this. I have been (or had been, I guess now) a fan of Michelle’s for years. When I read about the incidents I thought “surely this is a big misunderstanding” I really, really thought it just had to be…
Well, now I have heard the recording of her rambling, almost incoherent rant. I have read the tweets you and she exchanged (thank you btw for sharing those). Ending here with me listening to this bizarre interview that you had to drag out of her.
I would like to say that I am speechless, but I’m not. The pieces have begun to fall in place for me and I feel the need to share my thoughts about all of this with you.
First a little background on me: I am a 41 year old gay man from Louisiana who was raised Pentecostal/Assembly of God. When I was 16 my parents committed me to a Conversion Therapy Center for almost a year. When I got out I left home.
Evangelical Christians believe that homosexuals are not, in and of themselves, evil. However, they believe homosexual sex is evil and sinful. What that means, to them, is that only homosexuals who denounce their sexuality and commit to living a celibate life will enter the kingdom of Heaven. They FIRMLY believe that homosexuality is a choice, to even suggest otherwise is sacrilege; to suggest otherwise would indicate that the Bible is not the infallible word of God. To a Christian Literalist questioning ANY part of the Bible is a sin punishable by eternal damnation. They also believe that it is their DUTY to point out to others their failings, so that they can repent and avoid damnation. The Westboro Babtist Church is an (albeit extream) example of this: ‘God says love everyone as you would love your self. I love you and don’t want you to go to hell. So I will badger, ridicule, and shame you until you repent and are saved from hell.”
I believe that is where Michelle Shocked was originally going with her “rant”. It is only my opinion, but listening to Michelle gave me flash backs of listening to my mother try to “save me”.
It is only my opinion of course, but what I believe happened was this: Michelle intended “Love” the audience by giving them the “facts” about the peril their souls are in for enabling homosexual behavior. That, obviously, didn’t go as well as she planned. When she agreed to so your show, I think she saw it as an opportunity to undo the damage by essentially repeating her prepared statement…Except then it turned out there was a “bootleg” of what she really said and she knew she couldn’t disavow it. Only solution? Don’t do your interview.
In any case, I am glad this whole thing led me to your show (I will be listening-in in the future; your great!). I don’t know if what I tried to explain made sense to you (making sense and explaining Evangelicals doesn’t exactly go hand n hand).
Nicole, I painfully listened today and found you remarkable and compassionate in dealing with this difficult situation. Kudos to you.
It was crystal clear that you were trying to help her out. You couldn’t have possibly been any clearer. I had a similarly frustrating experience trying to interview her in 2011. I came at it having heard similar homophobic remarks, and I also wanted to give her a chance to clarify. She told me I was her “enemy.” She was an idol for me as a kid. Whatever is happening with her strikes me as profoundly sad, and I hope she is able to accept help from the people left in her corner at some point. I cried and cried when this happened two years ago. I’ve been contacted by multiple musicians since my latest story about this ran yesterday, all with stories about being terrorized by her. I think this has been in the making for a long time now.
I am an activist from LA who was quite involved in the Occupy movement and got to know Michelle a little. I have been following this unfolding story all week, and your show really turned the tide for me. I have to agree with Michelle. “Shame on you.” For most of the week, I have been unable to reconcile her apology with her actual words, just like you weren’t. But after reading her tweets and listening to what is clearly a paranoid reaction to a radio delay, it is clear that she is experiencing some sort of mental disturbance. She is obviously unable to explain much less justify what she said at Yoshi’s. It was clear that you main concern today was the fact that you promised your listeners an interview with Michelle Shocked and you weren’t delivering. So you kept playing the recording over and over clearly trying to indict her with her own words. Congratulations! You could have been a great lawyer. Your display of concern – “I’m worried about her having a nervous breakdown” – which you mentioned several times, was obviously false. Otherwise you wouldn’t have bullied and badgered her the whole hour. Your statement “This is like a bad reality show” was more true than you probably meant it to be. Reality shows capitalize on fake drama to get ratings. You were capitalizing on someone’s real drama. You even stooped so low as to say “I think the next thing we’ll hear is that you overdosed.” Well, the way you bullied and badgered her could very well push her over the edge. How would you feel about that, Nicole? You even sunk so low as to gossip about her personal troubles with her boyfriend to your listeners. Your concern eventually turned to belligerence with raising your voice and even using the f word to try to bully her to come on the show. You even said, “Now I’m bullying. And shortly thereafter, you said, “I’m not bullying her.” So which is it Nicole? Bullying or not bullying? Can you see a parallel to Michelle? Hates fags or doesn’t hate fags. You professed to want to give Michelle a platform to tell the world “why did you say it.” It’s clear why she said it. She has some problems reconciling her religion with her personal beliefs, and she obviously made a huge mistake by injecting it into her musical performance. You almost gleefully stated that she committed career suicide. Let’s just hope your bullying and badgering doesn’t cause her to commit real suicide. I repeat: shame on you for caring more about your stupid little show that isn’t even on a real radio station than the mental health of a great artist, someone you professed to admire and even be a friend of. With friends like you, who needs enemies.
I have to agree with Lauren to some extent. You were visibly, audibly frustrated when Michelle did not pick up your call, and I now see after the text conversation you had with her the night before that you were sensing that she might back out of the phone interview. As a first-time listener who doesn’t know the actual friendship between you two, it did come across as more of an over-the-air demand you were placing on her to explain herself. You can’t force people to explain themselves. You were loud, annoyed, agitated, frustrated, and appeared incredulous that she would not call you back. I’m not surprised she didn’t call back, especially after the text conversation the night before. You were not calm, and maybe being a whole lot calmer would have helped. Then again, maybe nothing would have helped yesterday morning, but I don’t see the logic in shouting at someone to force a response, friend or not, but especially after that text conversation. Michelle obviously was not ready to talk or accept your help, and that text conversation you had with her would have had me on the phone lining up another guest or two.
In your defense, Nicole, sounds like even if she did pick up that phone just after the Bob Nay interview (which I enjoyed), it wouldn’t have been a very productive conversation. Her obsession with Twitter (I was on Twitter while listening to your show, after you first mentioned that Michelle was Twittering instead of talking to you) is bizarre, with #truthvsreality and her tallying scores for Truth and Reality based on Twitterverse responses.
Your interview was doomed from the start! I’m gonna hang around though, I really enjoyed the Ney interview.
I agree with both KC & Lauren Steiner. After the first 5 minutes of the show, I wouldn’t have wanted to talk to Ms Sandler either – it turned into a rant. It would have been better to move on to something other than Ms Shocked’s no-show, rather than beat a dead horse for a whole hour.
I also would have hoped that you could come up with more original commentary than citing an inflammatory televangelist and Westboro Baptist, neither of which are connected to Ms Shocked (and neither of which, according to my faith, are examples of true Christians, no matter what they call themselves). It would have been fair to mention, for example, that the church Ms Shocked actually attends does not endorse an anti-gay message.
My perspective changed after reading the texts of the night before, too – it couldn’t have been a complete surprise that things went off the rails on Thursday morning, after that strange exchange. I doubt whether she could have held a coherent conversation even if she had answered the phone. It would have added helpful information to the incident if those texts had been read during the time set aside for the interview, instead of playing the worst parts of the Sunday exhibition over and over and over again.
Nicole, kudos to you for a splendid bit of radio (or not) journalism under the most trying possible circumstances. I was a Michelle fan until she went all Jesus on us, and I get that she is trying, in the most oblique possible way, to promote love and compassion among people who disagree.
But really, searching for any sort of rationale for her behavior at this point is fruitless, because she’s not rational. Her paranoia and extreme narcissism (you know, she’s before a “tribunal,” just like Jesus!) she sounds exactly like my beautiful and talented folk-singer sister, who was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, and who, yes, ended up committing suicide… in jail. It’s so frustrating for those who care for her, because one of the primary symptoms of these diseases is that the sufferer believes they’re fine, it’s everyone else who needs help…and no amount of love or logic will convince them otherwise.
Anyway, good work. I’ll come back and check out your show.
Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb Lyrics
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone home?
Come on
I hear you’re feeling down
I can ease your pain
Get you on your feet again
I’ll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?
There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship’s smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move
But I can’t hear what you’re saying
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like
Two balloons
Now I’ve got that feeling once again
I can’t explain
You would not understand
This is not how I am
I… Have become comfortably numb
Nicole, as of yesterday, I had never heard of Michele Shocked or your show. After listening to her rant and your attempt to defend her, it’s obvious she is dealing with mental issues. The one good thing to come out of this debacle is, I was introduced to you and your show. I will try and listen to you and I hope the people in Michele’s life lead her to the medical help she so obvious needs.
Hey Pete: Did you have a contract to release TTCT? I think it would be great if you could post a copy online.
I just edited her Wikipedia entry to remove her claims of “without permission” and “bootleg”.
Thanks Mick. It’s not as simple as posting evidence online. We had a signed heads of agreement, yes, and the contract was, as I recollect, in negotiation for a long time until the court case between her and her former manager kicked off (that’s another saga in itself but not one to tell here)…above all, the fact that she agreed it in writing and backed that up with many interviews on TV, radio where she talked supportively about the record, speaks for itself. As for the ‘Texas Campfire Takes’ release that’s another story altogether but not one I want to talk about here.
I tuned in because I have been a long time fan, too. I was following her twitter stream the other day when she agreed to do your show. She kept using that as an excuse not to answer her fans. Just tune in Thursday she said several times. So I did. I was very impressed with you. I can’t imagine having that kind of a build up and sitting there on the air realizing that your guest for the next hour won’t even pick up the phone. I thought you did a great job of using the time to tell the story or at least as much of it as can be pieced together. It seemed clear to me that she is having serious mental issues. The Spin interview seems to point in that direction as well. I’m sorry to part ways with Ms. Shocked but I’m glad that I now know about you and your show. The interview with Ney was incredible. I can’t believe that he was so open and honest about his past. I didn’t expect at the end of your show to feel that I could forgive Bob Ney but not Michelle Shocked. Thank you so much for trying so hard to give us the answers that we were seeking and that MS is obviously not able to give.
Apparently, Michelle was convinced the 5 second or 20 second delay was for the purpose of fact-checking her. Very irrational if that’s her actual perception. Or perhaps she just didn’t want to talk and was grasping at straws.
Shame it didn’t work out today – it was obvious to me that you wanted to do more than just give MS a platform, Nicole. I was interested in trying to understand where she’s coming from, after what seemed to many as a calculated attempt to provoke, confound and cause chaos.
I’m still astonished at the audacity of her calling The Texas Campfire Tapes a ‘bootleg’ – I’m not sure what equals a bootleg in her eyes but she was more than happy to sit and play around the fire, knowing I was recording it and then she agreed to its release when I tracked her down to squat in New York to get her permission. She was also happy to embrace it as a record release, support it with TV and radio and work with it when it meant a start of a music career. Talk about re-writing history after the event! Interestingly one of her best friends at the time contacted me out of the blue yesterday having read the ‘bootleg’ line on Wikipedia and says she was there at the time no one was in any doubt about at the time “But reading this about the Tapes being released without her permission?! Good God. I hope you release your memoirs!” I guess the truth will win out in the end, and I send her as much love as I can muster at the moment.
Pete. You might not remember me, but I was with you guys in London during that time. You worked your ass off for her. I remember you introducing her to The Mekons, doing all the promotion for her shows at the Town and Country Club etc. You would be amazed at the stories I’ve been hearing including her firing Alice Stuart in a horrible way in Australia leaving 65 y/o Alice up the creek and with an emotional breakdown because of it. You’re not alone. She needs love. Lots of it…oh, and prayers.
Of course, I remember you, Mary Lou. I probably wouldn’t be amazed by the stories you’re hearing, as I’ve had so many people come out of the woodwork this week and contact me for the first time in many years with similar stories. So sorry to hear about Alice. I’ve had to reconcile several broken people after their MS experiences and it’s been something that’s taken them a long time to recover from. I guess her time is up now. Sad. I’ll mail you via Facebook or some such. Good to be back in touch. x
I listened to your show today too, and I’m a new listener (though I also listened yesterday) brought to you by this MS dilemma. Have you seen this interview? http://www.spin.com/articles/michelle-shocked-gay-rant-apology-interview As I read through it, I saw parallels with what happened on your show, but I also saw evidence that, I don’t know, MS wants to show how ridiculous it is that social media (perhaps any media) has the power that it has.
I’ve been a fan since seeing her at an eTown show, and I met her briefly after a show last year. I confessed to having bootleg copies of her first three CDs as I discovered her during the time she was fighting her legal battles with the label and there was no other way to get them. I asked for forgiveness and asked that she pick a selection for me to buy (I was at the merch table). She made a suggestion (which I bought), then signed it “All is forgiven! Love, Michelle.”
I digress. In the Spin interview, she alludes to instances where people are tried in the court of public opinion (even Jesus), which has, I guess, always been a hallmark of media, though it can now happen in an instant. Tweets, like MP3s, can be copied and distributed so quickly, with no seeming loss in fidelity. The difference with Tweets is that the loss of fidelity typically occurs during creation, not during duplication. I still am not sure her message is hitting its target…
Which brings me to a close. As a fan, and a Christian, but not one of *those* Christians, I listened intently, and with patience, to everything that’s been said since Sunday. I was “there” to the extent that I was following the show at Yoshi’s via Tweets. Anyway, MS’ vilification since then has been amazing. Fox News, of all places, even had a story. Seriously? How many people in America that had *never* known of MS now only know her as the woman everyone thought was gay but now says God hates faggots (wow that word is hard to type). And sorry, MS, I was parsing. But, you know, this is how it happens, right? The word is out there. Who, other than you and me and a half dozen others is going to spend any time on the follow up? She’s been tried and convicted, and like the Jesus story in the Spin article, all we’re getting from her is “your words, not mine.”
Keep on rockin’, ‘chelle.
After the refreshing candor of Bob Ney, it was extremely tough to get through the hour with an evasive Michelle Shocked, someone I’ve admired for years. I’m not the crying kind but, I couldn’t help myself when she appeared to not understand the difference between on-air live and online live; counting out the delay.
It wasn’t at all what I was expecting. What could’ve been a healthy discussion with much needed clarity became a cat and mouse kind of exercise.
Nicole? You did the best you could with what was or wasn’t offered.
I admire your perseverance in getting Michelle to pick up the phone even tho it was a bit hard to listen to inasmuch as I was actually embarrassed for her while you kept attempting to connect.
As the time went by I was more and more preparing myself for her meltdown if and when she picked up. And that was what I got.
In my opinion you dealt with it as well as could be expected (better than I would have done)
—And BTW — The paranoia observation is spot on. Hiding behind Twitter, IM’s or in chat rooms where nobody can hear impaired speech? What does that sound like?
I listened today to your show, Nicole, and you did a good job. I’m sure it was difficult for you because you put a lot of effort into getting Shocked on the show. However, from what little I heard from Shock when she spoke, you may have been better off without her.
You were right when you suggested she “maybe….needs to go to a mental hospital.” Why was she so confused about the slight broaodcast delay? It seems pretty simple to me.
Thanks also for printing the tweets for your listeners to see. And thanks your your support of GLBT rights.
Thanks Bullyblast. I appreciate the kind words. I really wanted to help her, to clarify what I still think she was trying to say. But she’s lashing out at those who do want to help, playing a silly word game on twitter, and I fear she’s entered into an awful downward spiral. I hope she can get some help!
One more thing, Nicole. It doesn’t make sense that she downplayed your podcast format when she is totally obsessed with Twitter. What makes 140 characters better than a live broadcast in any form?
I know you from listening to Rani’s show when she’s out. I love to hear you enough to sign up here.
Bless your heart kiddo! You tried everything you possibly could to give her the opportunity to “clear the air.” There is nothing more that you could have done (in my opinion).
It seemed almost like a she was on something. I obviously don’t know for sure though. From experience though, I have had similar conversations with people that sounded like that.
To lose a musical “hero” is a tough thing. Trust me I know. I have over 36,000 songs (all legal) in my iTunes library and throw nothing away, including things I’ll NEVER listen to. However, when Nugent started in with his BS, I can say he has the honor of being the first artist ever deleted from my library. While growing up, he was one of the people that my generation listened to a lot.
I was surprised you didn’t call 911 to have them check on her well-being.