I’ve been waiting for this day for almost two years. Good riddance Allen West; may we never be subjected to your hatred and insanity ever again!
Early this morning, the former congressman conceded victory to his challenger, Patrick Murphy, in the congressional race for Florida’s 18th district.
I actually supported West’s bid for a recount, as there were serious problems with the vote counting (what else is new?). Although two judges turned down West’s requests, the St. Lucie County canvassing board actually gave him what he asked for – a recount of that county’s early votes. The recount widened Patrick Murphy’s lead over West! Karma is a bitch.
This morning, West officially conceded, but didn’t even have the class to call Congressman Murphy. Instead, he wrote a lengthy diatribe on his Facebook page. Seriously.
I celebrated with a farewell montage and a happy dance… then said I hope to never have occasion to mention his name again!
I was also joined by Gaius Publius, who blogs at Americablog, and wrote a great piece encouraging us all to get behind Senator Mark Begich’s bill to strengthen Social Security!
Usually on Tuesday mornings, I hang with GottaLaff... Unfortunately, in mid-show today I got an emergency call from my kid’s school and had to leave. She’s OK, but I had to cut the show short If Laffy had been here, we would have talked about these stories and more:
Today’s GOP Moment of Ignorance: Marco Rubio is unsure how old the Earth is
Meghan McCain: “If I don’t see some changes in next 4 years, I’m going to consider registering as an Independent.”