8-7-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Professor Harvey J. Kaye Weighs In

 It's Wednesday, Trump is visiting Dayton and El Paso while he continues gaslighting America. Nicole begins the show with the latest news of the day, including the controversy over Congressman Joaquin Castro (twin brother of presidential candidate Julian Castro) tweeting out a list of the 44 San Antonians who've maxed out on their contributions to Trump- and the NY Times' bashing it, and the NY Times changing their biased headline due to readers' outrage. Our guest today was Professor of Democracy and Justice Studies at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay and author of many books, including a brand [...]

By |August 7th, 2019|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 8-7-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Professor Harvey J. Kaye Weighs In

8-6-19 Nicole Sandler Show – The Aftermath with Tim Wise

   The nation is reeling today after two mass shootings this weekend, 13 hours apart. One in El Paso, TX, the second in Dayton, OH. 22 innocent souls were taken in El Paso by a guy with alleged racist tendencies, and another 9 were killed by a man with obvious psychological problems in Dayton. Today, I'm joined by Tim Wise. He's an author, educator, speaker, podcaster and more whose area of expertise is racism and the obliteration of it. It should be a fascinating conversation today. During the first part of the show, I spoke about an article I [...]

By |August 6th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 8-6-19 Nicole Sandler Show – The Aftermath with Tim Wise

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