8-6-21 Nicole Sandler Show – The Other Side of the Olympics with Jules Boykoff

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   I first spoke with today's guest, author and political scientist Jules Boykoff, five years ago just ahead for the Rio Olympics. He had just released his book, Power Games: A Political History of the Olympics. I was fascinated by the stories that NBC never seems to include in their slick, pre-packaged video feature-ettes. When contemplating how to cover those under-reported stories as the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are underway -- a year late and live audiences short. So Jules Boykoff joins us for [...]

By |August 6th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-6-21 Nicole Sandler Show – The Other Side of the Olympics with Jules Boykoff

6-5-20 Nicole Sandler Show- Black Lives Matter with Benjamin Dixon

Download here or click below to play     It's been a hell of a week, literally hell. Outraged humans took to the streets, ignoring the dangers posed by the global pandemic that's kept most of us at home for the past few months, to protest the murder of yet another unarmed African American at the hands of the very people who are charged with protecting us all. As a privileged white woman, I speak out, but know that I don't have the first-hand experience of what it's like to be black in America or how I can best help. [...]

By |June 5th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 6-5-20 Nicole Sandler Show- Black Lives Matter with Benjamin Dixon

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