Emptywheel Fridays on the Nicole Sandler Show 3-22-24

 Marcy Wheeler reports the important news daily at emptywheel.net. She joins me on Friday's to recap what the highlights (and lowlights) from the week. Today, the latest Comer farce impeachment inquiry hearings and the various pending cases against him. Plus NBC News' latest hire and more... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeBbFesbmVY&t=1185s

Fighting Mad on the Nicole Sandler Show 3-20-24

     FIGHTING MAD: RESISTING THE END OF ROE V. WADE is the title of a new book of essays about the recent SCOTUS decision in Dobbs overturning a 50-year precedent that gave women "reproductive autonomy". One of the editors, Krystale E. Littlejohn guests today to showcase the wide range of experts fighting back for our rights. The title FIGHTING MAD also works when describing the Democrats who sat through another ridiculous episode of the GOP's impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden this morning which was more of a circus than a hearing, deeply embedded in opposite world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kU4UosDaY4 [...]

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