Watch the video and visit The Silver Tour for more information!
Robert Platshorn, the man behind “Grandma” joins in on the show this morning, updating us on where and when it’s airing, plus the latest on the progress to end prohibition.
And GottaLaff of The Political Carnival visits to talk about these stories and more:
John McCain’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Joke
Source– John McCain on economic inequality: “I don’t care, nobody cares.”
Anthony Weiner is ba-a-a-ack. But WTF did he tweet?
VIDEO– Mitch McConnell: “They want to take me out.”
Oh f***! Parents group wants FCC to crack down on CBS over Flacco’s F-bomb after Super Bowl win
Nebraska GOP Lt. Gov. resigns abruptly after newspaper reports 1000s of late-night calls to women
The NRA feels threatened by ‘N Sync, Mel Brooks, Moon Unit Zappa, Geraldo, and a bunch of deceased actors
FYI, every time I load/reload this page I hear the British accent lady say, “Resuming episode.” Same as the puzzle during today’s airtime show.
I think it has to do with the stitcher widget… that’s the stitcher voice! It’s never worked correctly (It doesn’t update to the newest episode)… gotta look into that!
Why shouldn’t she? weather she needs it for pain, or if she just wants to get stoned, it shouldn’t be a problem.