U.S. airstrikes hit al Qaeda franchise Khorasan in Syria – disrupt “imminent attack plotting against U.S. and Western interests” – CNN
In the News
- U.S. and allies hit ISIS targets in Syria
- Did U.S. inform Assad? Syria: Yes; U.S.: No
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U.S. and Allies Hit ISIS Targets in Syria
• The U.S. and allies launched 14 airstrikes against ISIS in Syria early today, unleashing a torrent of 47 cruise missiles and precision-guided bombs from the air and sea on the militants’ de facto capital of Raqqa and along the porous Iraq border (NYT, AP, TRNS, BBC, TRNS, me)
• American fighter jets and armed Predator and Reaper drones, flying alongside warplanes from several Arab allies, struck a broad array of targets, including weapons supplies, depots, barracks and buildings the militants use for command and control
• The strikes are a major turning point in President Obama’s war against ISIS and open up a risky new stage of the American military campaign. Until now, the admin had suggested it would be weeks if not months before the start of a bombing campaign against ISIS targets in Syria (fake-out?)
• Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates took part in the strikes, American officials said. The new coalition’s makeup is significant because the U.S. was able to recruit Sunni govts to take action against the Sunni militants of ISIS
• U.S. CentCom said today the U.S. has “taken action to disrupt the imminent attack plotting against the U.S. and Western interests” conducted by Khorasan. “These strikes were undertaken only by U.S. assets.” Conducted west of Aleppo in Syria. Khorasan is a franchise of al Qaeda (CNN)
Did U.S. Inform Assad? Syria: Yes / U.S.: No
• The U.S. said the strikes in Syria occurred without the approval of President Bashar Assad of Syria, who didn’t ask the U.S. for help against ISIS. However, the Syrian foreign ministry said today that the U.S. informed Damascus’ envoy to the UN hours before launching the strikes. U.S. defense officials said Assad hadn’t been told in advance – (hmmm)
• But admin officials acknowledge that American efforts to roll back ISIS in Syria can’t but help Assad, whose govt is also a target of the militant group
• U.S. defense officials said the goal of the air campaign was to deprive ISIS of the safe havens it enjoys in Syria. The admin’s ultimate goal is to recruit a global coalition to “degrade and ultimately destroy” the militants, even as Obama warned that “eradicating a cancer” like ISIS was long-term and would put some American troops at risk
• The strikes followed an urgent appeal from the president of the Syrian Opposition Coalition for American military action. He said the U.S. needed to act quickly to stop ISIS from pressing their attack against Kurdish communities near the Syrian border town of Kobani
• Wednesday, Obama is expected to speak of the international coalition he’s putting together in an address at the UN General Assembly. Obama has said this war will go on longer than his administration will last
• The Arab nations that took part in or supported this extraordinary and unlikely coalition that launched the strikes today are probably looking over their shoulders waiting for ISIS to hit back
ISIS Tells Followers to Kill Westerners
• ISIS issued a rallying cry Sunday for Muslims to attack and kill Americans and Europeans. “You will not feel secure even in your bedrooms. You will pay the price when this crusade of yours collapses.” (Telegraph, Guardian, Reuters, me)
• “If you can kill a disbelieving American or European – especially the spiteful and filthy French – or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that joined a coalitions against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be.”
• France confirmed Monday the authenticity of a video in which a French man said he had been kidnapped in Algeria by an Algeria-based ISIS splinter group, the Caliphate Soldiers. “This armed group is asking me to ask you
Victoria Jones
TRNS’ Nicholas Salazar, Celina Gore and Washington Desk contributed to this report |
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